…the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:26-27
God’s plan is to dwell inside of you. As we are created after His image to He is that piece that comes to bring completion in your life.
Christ in you is the hope of glory. What does that mean? That means God wants to come dwell inside of you by the spirit of glory, the Holy Spirit.
Just as the tabernacle was filled with the glory of God in the Old Testament – now in the New Testament, you are called to be that temple that God fills.
This is why Paul said, “Be filled with the Spirit” singing to one another in psalms and spiritual songs, making melting your hearts to the Lord.
We are now the habitations of God where His Spirit dwells. Just as Jesus said – the Holy Spirit is with you, but He shall be in you. Most Christians live as if God does not dwell in them. Part of this is just because of a lack of experience in his Presence – not having had an intimate encounter with God.
It is important for you to discover your life of inner devotion. In this place you’re welcoming the Holy Spirit to fill you and overflow you – as He is the manifested presence of God.
As you welcome His Spirit, also develop a pattern of reading the Word of God, a pattern of praying and spending time with the Lord in communion. You can also use music to set a background for this. I prefer instrumental music. When I’m praying, I want to hear the voice of God not somebody else’s. This works better for me personally.
In this way, worshipful instrumental music is neutral. There’s also a time just to be quiet before the Lord where you don’t need music at all.
One thing you do need to do is “silence the noise of your soul”. There’s many busybodies in the world. We want to learn how to sit before the feed of Jesus and receive his words.
Commit your life in devotion to the Lord, and be a set apart vessel for his glory.
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