Sow the Seeds of Life

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

John 15:7-8

Every day we have to opportunity to sow the seeds that will cause His life and love to spring forth in our lives. Choose the best seeds from His Word.

Whether we know it or not our choices in how we spend our time make a big difference. We can spend our time doing many things, but the only things that really matter are those things that God is called us to.

It’s good to evaluate where your time is being spent. Somethings are necessary. Other things are not. Then there’s the time that’s best spent. We always want to take time sowing God‘s word into our hearts.

We want to take time as an opportunity to pray continually and we want to engage in worship – where it becomes habitual and not something that has to be planned (as much). Although, it is ALWAYS good to PLAN. Plan for prayer, worship and time with God. Plan your times of devotion.

When seeds are full grown, we see the fruit of those seeds down the road. How important it is then to sow the things of heaven in our lives – the things that the Father wants us to sow into our hearts.

God‘s word is the eternal seed that we should abide in. Jesus said if my words abide in you and you abide in Me (my Presence), then you shall ask of anything in my name, and it shall be done for you by my father in heaven.

Sow good seed in your heart everyday, believe His truth and walk in His Presence!


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